Apotekergata 5

Casual Dining Restaurant

Ålesund, Norway

Apotekergata 5 Wine List

About Apotekergata 5

Apotekergata No. 5 is located in an old warehouse along the picturesque canal in the heart of Ålesund. In the summer, there is a barge where you can enjoy food and wine directly on the waterfront. In addition to the restaurant there is also a cocktail bar and a deli serving lovely pastries, coffee and local delicacies. The restaurant has a nice selection of varied dishes for lunch, where the Danish-inspired “smørrebrød” (sandwiches) are delightful.

The wine list is extensive and heavy on the Burgundy selection, both red and white. Shouldn’t Burgundy be your kryptonite? No need to despair; there are plenty of wines from the rest of France and other classical old-world countries as well. New World is also well represented; this list makes your mouth water and makes you wish you could stay for another few days.

Apotekergata 5 Food Menu

Wine team

  • LEV
    Lars Erik Venås
    Sommelier and Restaurant Manager

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