Trade Event

It's summer, it's fun, it's RIESLING TIME!

Dråpen Vinbar

Bergen, Norway

Germany - steep hills with a lot of juice - where are we?

Vi får besøk av Cecilie fra Flaaten Vin onsdag 26.juni og åpner masse GG snop på glass! Sommeren er kommet for å bli så la oss være blide med skikkelig rieslingsmil! Gleder du deg like mye som oss så er det bare å snike litt på den nye oppdaterte vinlisten i forkant <3

English: Cecilie from Flaaten wines joins us for a wednesday-funday on the 26th of June from 17 till 22 and we're opening GGs by the glass to let the summer in with a riesling smile! Looking forward to this as much as us? Have a sneek peek of the newly updated winelist beforehand! <3

Published 14-June-2024
Event / Bergen
Dråpen Vinbar Bergen

Wednesday 26 June 16-22

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