Star Wine List is recruiting: Wine data assistant

New freelance job opportunity for a junior data and wine lover:

(Posted 13 October 2023, to be filled as soon as possible)

Freelance, hourly, part time, based in Stockholm or remote elsewhere in Europe. Starting immediately.

- Work with the Star Wine List team to organise and verify our wine data.
- Junior role.

- Are a data person who loves to organise lists and spreadsheets and is interested in wine.
- Are quick, extremely organised and at ease using tools such as Excel and Google sheets.
- You must have a strong knowledge of the wines of the world - you will need to be familiar with the intricacies of Burgundy appellations and producers, but also the top wines from other regions.
- Are fluent in English.
- Your formal education and background matters less than your ability and ambition, but qualifications such as WSET and experience from the wine trade are a bonus.
- Education, interest and experience in math, programming and databases are a strong plus.

Please apply with cover letter and cv by email to

Published 13-October-2023

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