New: Filter wine places by opening hours

Krister Bengtsson
Published 12-January-2023

One of the great pleasures of cities like London and Paris are all the great wine places on offer—until you get there and discover your destination is closed. Fortunately, we have the solution for this. You can find out the opening hours in advance by using our map filters.

It's a feature that many of you have been asking for, and we're happy to announce it’s available as of today!

To use the Star Wine List map filter

Simply go to our map, choose a city or zoom in, and then filter the results by the opening hours.

You can check which places are open right now, which is great if you're walking the streets of, say, New York and want to see what options are open nearby.

You can also check what is open for lunch or dinner at a future date. This feature has arrived right in time for anyone going to Vinexpo Paris on 13-15 February—just go to the Paris map, filter for what is open on one of those dates, and voilà!

Attention restaurants, hotels and wine bars!

The feature works thanks to the opening hours data that we gather both online and directly from the wine places themselves. So if you’re a sommelier or restaurateur at a Star Wine List Red Star or White Star, now is the time to check that your opening hours are correct. This is especially important for hotel restaurants where it's often the hotel hours that are published online, not the restaurant's hours.

If you need to change your opening hours, simply log in and do it yourself. (Check this page for info on what you can update and how )

Enjoy London or Paris—santé !

P.S. The opening hours filter is not yet live on our app, but only on our website and mobile site. Keep an eye out for the app version in the future!

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