Weingut Am Stein - Ludwig Knoll

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  • Am Stein, Würzburg, Stettener Stein Silvaner VDP.GROSSE LAGE, 2019, 84, 00
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Austria. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Hotel Kaiserblick restaurant/wine bar, located in Ellmau, Austria
  • Silvaner, Franken, Am Stein, Würzburg, Würzburger Stein Silvaner VDP.ERSTE LAGE, 2019, 47, 00
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Austria. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Hotel Kaiserblick restaurant/wine bar, located in Ellmau, Austria
  • Silvaner Qualitätswein trocken, 2018, 58, 00 €, Würzburger Stein „VDP.Erste Lage“, Weingut am Stein, Ludwig Knoll, Würzburg
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Germany. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Luce d'Oro restaurant/wine bar, located in Elmau, Germany
  • Duitsland wit, Silvaner ‘Stettener Stein‘ GG, Am Stein, Franken, 2020, € 125, 00
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Netherlands. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of 't Nonnetje restaurant/wine bar, located in Harderwijk, Netherlands
  • Stetten Stein Silvaner GG 2021, Weingut AM Stein, 1550
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Norway. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Varemottaket restaurant/wine bar, located in Oslo, Norway
  • 2017, Weingut Am Stein, Franken, Grosse Lage, Stettener Stein, 145
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Canada. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of La Tanière3 restaurant/wine bar, located in Quebec City, Canada
  • Weingut Am Stein, Stettener Stein, Silvaner, 2016, 75
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Netherlands. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of The Lobby Fizeaustraat restaurant/wine bar, located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Weingut am Stein, Stettener Stein VDP Grosse Lage Silvaner, 2014 85
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Germany. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of ROCAILLE Café Bistrot Wine bar restaurant/wine bar, located in Düsseldorf, Germany
  • Franken, Weingut am Stein, Ludwig Knoll, Würzburg, 2019, Silvaner Stettner Stein GG, 750 ml, € 120
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Germany. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Es:senz restaurant/wine bar, located in Grassau, Germany
  • 2018 Riesling Stettener Stein GG, Weingut am Stein, 0.75, 75
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Germany. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Klinker restaurant/wine bar, located in Hamburg, Germany
  • 2020 Silvaner Würzburger Stein, Weingut am Stein, 0, 75, Franken, 45
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Austria. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Hofmeisterei Hirtzberger restaurant/wine bar, located in Wösendorf, Austria
  • Sweet, Weingut am Stein, Riesling Auslese Stettener Stein, 2022, 37, 5cl, Franken DE, 77
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Switzerland. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Frisk Fisk restaurant/wine bar, located in Zürich, Switzerland
  • WEINGUT AM STEIN, WÜRZBURG, FRANKEN, 2019 Silvaner, Stettener Stein“ Grosses Gewächs, 0, 75, 115, 00
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Austria. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Hangar 7 Ikarus restaurant/wine bar, located in Salzburg, Austria
  • 2014 Weingut Am Stein, GG Stettener Stein, Silvaner, 700
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Denmark. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Pinot restaurant/wine bar, located in Aarhus, Denmark
  • Sylvaner ‚16 „Würzburger Stein“ Weingut Am Stein, 48, 00
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Cocun Cellar Restaurant restaurant/wine bar, located in San Cassiano, Italy
  • Sylvaner ‚12 „Würzburger Stein“ Weingut Am Stein, 34, 00
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Cocun Cellar Restaurant restaurant/wine bar, located in San Cassiano, Italy
  • FRANKEN, Silvaner, Stettener Stein, GG, 2020, 97.00, Weingut am Stein, Würzburg
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Switzerland. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Landhotel Hirschen restaurant/wine bar, located in Erlinsbach, Switzerland
  • -DEUTSCHLAND, FRANKEN-, 2020, Silvaner GG Stein, Stetten, 0, 75l, 109, Weingut am Stein
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Germany. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Grace restaurant/wine bar, located in Berlin, Germany
  • Rhine. So he decided to make it and of course it is refined, mineral and salty, Franken, Weingut am Stein, Stettener Stein, Grosses Gewächs, 2015 NEW, 74, Silvaner
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Netherlands. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Hotel de Blanke Top restaurant/wine bar, located in Cadzand, Netherlands
  • Weingut am Stein, Ludwig Knoll, Würzburg, 2020 Stettner Stein Riesling GG, 70, 00
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Germany. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Zum Vaas restaurant/wine bar, located in Munich, Germany
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Austria. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Mazerat Wein.Wirt restaurant/wine bar, located in Kufstein, Austria
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Austria. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Mazerat Wein.Wirt restaurant/wine bar, located in Kufstein, Austria
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Austria. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Mazerat Wein.Wirt restaurant/wine bar, located in Kufstein, Austria
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Netherlands. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Bistrot Neuf restaurant/wine bar, located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Weingut Am Stein, Würzburg, Franken, Duitsland, 57, 2022, Stettener Stein, Silvaner, Auslese
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Belgium. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Flambée restaurant/wine bar, located in Roeselare, Belgium
  • 2021 Franken, Am Stein Guts Würzburger Stein, Silvaner, 700
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Norway. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Lola bistro restaurant/wine bar, located in Bergen, Norway
  • ZOET, 2015, Am Stein, Duitsland, Franken, Stettener Stein Silvaner “Auslese”, € 16
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Belgium. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Vrijmoed restaurant/wine bar, located in Ghent, Belgium
  • WIT, DUITSLAND, 2015, Am Stein, Franken, Stetttener Stein G.G. Silvaner, € 98
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Belgium. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Vrijmoed restaurant/wine bar, located in Ghent, Belgium
  • 2017 STETTENER STEIN Silvaner, 114, 00, Weingut am Stein, Franken, Bio
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Germany. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Restaurant Kuhlemann restaurant/wine bar, located in Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Germany
  • Weingut Am Stein, Stein Stetten Silvaner Grosses Gewächs, 2020, 1345, -
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Norway. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Huset restaurant/wine bar, located in Longyearbyen, Norway
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