
Fine Dining Restaurant

Horjul, Slovenia

About Grič

A windy 30-minute drive from Ljubljana, among the meadows and forests, is Grič. A once risky enterprise of chef Luka Košir, who turned his simple family restaurant into a fine-dining one. It is a great example of sustainability in the restaurant world. Self-grown fruit, vegetables and mushrooms, foraged ingredients, a duck farm and cooperation with like-minded catchers and farmers is what Grič is all about. Luka Košir’s cuisine highlights the clean tastes as well, as it explores the traditional techniques of food preservation.

Wine-wise, the list follows the “green” ideas: bio, eco and biodynamic wines, carefully chosen by sommelier Nejc Farčnik. The selection of wines from the Slovenian regions of Istra and Kras is especially worth the attention. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to hang out with Neic at the wine cellar after dinner. His love for wine is quite contagious.

Grič awards

  • 1 Michelin Star 1 Michelin Star

Wine team

  • N
    Nejc Farčnik

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