Eriksbergs Vilt & Natur

Hotel, Casual Dining Restaurant

Trensum, Sweden

Eriksbergs Vilt & Natur Wine List

About Eriksbergs Vilt & Natur

Eriksbergs Vilt & Natur offers an exciting combination of safari park, a rustic environment with buildings that are several hundred years old – and great gastronomy. In the two restaurants, Visenten and Havsörnen, they serve dishes on locally sourced ingredients, with a special focus on game. The menu changes continuously. After dinner you can visit Havsörnen’s terrace and enjoy the view of the valley, and down there you can see deer and mouflon sheep wander around.

The wine list is developed by Head Sommelier Tiago Matos, and if you are looking for classics from the Old World, you won't be disappointed. Still, there are some smaller family producers and wine from the New World in the mix as well. Looking for wines with age? Sure, they have that too!

Great for

  • Countryside
  • Old world
  • Private dining
  • Stay over
  • Wine pairing
  • Worth the trip

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • Tiago Matos
    Head Sommelier
  • Lova Bengtsson Nordkvist

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