Daróg Wine Bar

Wine Bar

Galway, Ireland

Daróg Wine Bar Wine List

About Daróg Wine Bar

Darog (’small oak tree’ in Irish) is one of the newest wine bars to open in Ireland and is a venture from Sommelier Zsolt Lukas & his wife Edel featuring artisan wines from organic & biodynamic producers.

Natural wines feature on the list too. Locally sourced food is also available; small plates, cheese and more. Wines are available retail too. No doubt more to come as Darog finds its roots. An excellent addition to Galway City.

Great for

  • Natural wines

More recommendations

  • This venue has put sustainability at the heart of everything they do from the start. A local driven menu and drinks list, a wine list focusing on organic, biodynamic and natural producers, a selective waste disposal system, elimination of single use products and plastics, and if not possible, then use of recycled items. Plus ongoing staff training on the subject. It is clear sustainability is not a fad here, but a clear commitment, says jury member Veronique Rivest about Daróg Wine Bar’s winning list in the category Sustainable Wine List 2023.

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • ZL
    Zsolt Lukács

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