Trade Event

Dreissigacker – Open Vineyard

After a successful premiere last year, OPEN VINEYARD is entering its second round. Experience Dreissigacker up close at OPEN VINEYARD on Saturday, June 15, and Sunday June 16, 2024.

Secure your Open Vineyard ticket here.


WINE: Dreissigacker wines from the Big Bottle

LUNCH MENU: Fine picnic style

MORE WINE: Exclusive tasting of special Dreissigacker rarities

NICE TO HAVE: Still and sparkling mineral water

SETTING: Relaxed get-together

MUSIC: Easy Listening, Lounge music, DJ set

Further information about the event can be found here.

To ensure a smooth process and for identification purposes, we ask you to have the order number as well as the buyer's first and last name ready upon entry.

Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.

Published 18-April-2024
Wine tasting / Germany

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