Mouton Noir Wines

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  • 314 France, Roussillon, Mouton noir, AB, Mouton noir & rouge, 2023, Rouge, 75cl, 44 €, Carignan 80%, syrah 20%
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in France. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Un Cantalou à Strasbourg restaurant/wine bar, located in Strasbourg, France
  • Vigne Mouton, Mouton Noir, Gamay, 2021 57
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Netherlands. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Entrepot restaurant/wine bar, located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Le Chalonnais et le Maconnais, Mâcon-Bray, Mouton Noir, Domaine La Vigne Mouton 2021, 38, 00 €
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in France. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Décalé restaurant/wine bar, located in Lyon, France
  • Adelsheim Chehalem Mountains Pinot Noir, 2021, 1190, Mouton Noir Oregogne Williamette Valley Pinot Noir
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Norway. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Spiseriet Stavanger restaurant/wine bar, located in Stavanger, Norway
  • 1006, Mouton Noir Wines "Touché", Willamette Valley, Oregon, $150, 2010 Pinot Noir, Bottle
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of & Sons Ham Bar restaurant/wine bar, located in New York City, USA
  • Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu, Matrone Réserve 2016, Vignoble du Mouton noir marquette, frontenac noir, 73
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Canada. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Restaurant h3 restaurant/wine bar, located in Montreal, Canada
  • B-7614, 2022 Mouton Noir — Other People's Pinot — Pinot Noir — Willamette Valley — Oregon, 72
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Commander's Palace restaurant/wine bar, located in New Orleans, USA
  • 2019 Mouton Noir, Love Drunk Rosé, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, 48
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Barcelona Wine Bar Boston restaurant/wine bar, located in Boston, USA
  • 2022 Mouton Noir, Love Drunk Rosé, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, 48
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Barcelona Wine Bar Westside Ironworks restaurant/wine bar, located in Atlanta, USA
  • 2021 Mouton Noir, Love Drunk Rosé, C, hardonnay, Pinot Noir, 48
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Barcelona Wine Bar Knox-Henderson restaurant/wine bar, located in Knox-Henderson, USA
  • 2022 Mouton Noir, Love Drunk Rosé, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, 48
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Barcelona Wine Bar Inman Park restaurant/wine bar, located in Inman Park, USA
  • 2019 Mouton Noir, Love Drunk Rosé, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, 49
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Barcelona Wine Bar Charlotte restaurant/wine bar, located in Charlotte, USA
  • 2020 Mouton Noir, Love Drunk Rosé, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, 48
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Barcelona Wine Bar Brookline restaurant/wine bar, located in Brookline, USA
  • 2022 Mouton Noir, Love Drunk Rosé, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, 49
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Barcelona Wine Bar Raleigh restaurant/wine bar, located in Raleigh, USA
  • 2022 Mouton Noir, Love Drunk Rosé, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, 48
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Barcelona Wine Bar Nashville restaurant/wine bar, located in Nashville, USA
  • 2022 Mouton Noir, Love Drunk Rosé, C, hardonnay, Pinot Noir, 49
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Barcelona Wine Bar Denver restaurant/wine bar, located in Denver, USA
  • 2019 Mouton Noir, "In Sheeps Clothing", Cabernet Sauvignon, 825
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Denmark. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of MASH Frederiksberg restaurant/wine bar, located in Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Muscadet-Sèvre et Maine 2023, Domaine le Fay d'Homme, Mouton Noir, Melon de Bourgogne (France) 11 55
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Canada. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Bar Furco restaurant/wine bar, located in Montreal, Canada
  • Muscadet-Sèvre et Maine 2023, Domaine le Fay d'Homme, Mouton Noir, Melon de Bourgogne (France) 11 55
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Canada. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Bar Furco restaurant/wine bar, located in Montreal, Canada
  • Bourgogne, Terres de Chazeux, La Vigne Mouton, 2021, Pinot Noir, Bourgogne, 53
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Netherlands. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of ô Bistro restaurant/wine bar, located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • C-0704, 2020 Mouton Noir — P-Oui — Willamette Valley — Oregon, Half Bottle, 48
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Commander's Palace restaurant/wine bar, located in New Orleans, USA
  • B-7614, 2022 Mouton Noir — Other People's Pinot — Willamette Valley, 72
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Commander's Palace restaurant/wine bar, located in New Orleans, USA
  • Mouton Blanc de Noirs 2023, Mas Lasta, Terrasses du Larzac, Fr, S, 58, Grenache Noir, Anne-Laure Sicard
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in UK. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Lady of the Grapes restaurant/wine bar, located in London, UK
  • Domaine Chandon de Briailles "Aux Fournaux" , 1600 , Domaine La Vigne Mouton “Agrius” Pinot Noir, 830
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Sweden. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Fryksås Hotell & Gestgifveri restaurant/wine bar, located in Orsa, Sweden
  • Domaine Chandon de Briailles "Aux Fournaux" , 1600 , Domaine La Vigne Mouton “Agrius” Pinot Noir, 2 0 2 2
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Sweden. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Fryksås Hotell & Gestgifveri restaurant/wine bar, located in Orsa, Sweden
  • Domaine Chandon de Briailles "Aux Fournaux" , 1600 , Domaine La Vigne Mouton “Agrius” Pinot Noir, 2 0 2 2
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Sweden. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Fryksås Hotell & Gestgifveri restaurant/wine bar, located in Orsa, Sweden
  • Domaine Chandon de Briailles "Aux Fournaux" , 1600 , Domaine La Vigne Mouton “Agrius” Pinot Noir, 2 0 2 2
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Sweden. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Fryksås Hotell & Gestgifveri restaurant/wine bar, located in Orsa, Sweden
  • Delphine & Sébastien Boisseau, 2018 Le Mouton Noir, 1 100
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Sweden. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Villa Fridhem restaurant/wine bar, located in Östergötland county, Sweden
  • Mâcon-Bray "Le Mouton Noir", 2020, R, 44, 00
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in France. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Resto-Zinc restaurant/wine bar, located in 11th arr, France
  • Mouton Noir ‘Oregogne’ 2014 Garage-d’or, Willamette Valley, OR, Crisp, stony, 95
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Annie Gunn's restaurant/wine bar, located in St Louis, USA
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