
Fine Dining Restaurant

Miami, USA

About Delilah

Miami’s Brickell neighborhood is home to many stylish restaurants and bars, but Delilah offers an exclusive experience with nightly entertainment. Though stunningly adorned, the restaurant has a strict “no photos” policy in the dining room. Once you arrive at Delilah, you’re immediately taken back years to the golden age of jazz clubs. During dinner hours, guests are serenaded by live music, until the DJ takes over later in the night.

Wine lovers will be pleased to see a list full of boastful bottles from Bordeaux to Champagne, Italy, and Spain, with a section of California producers that may fly under the usual radar but are exciting to those who are “in the know.” Expect to see wines from Southern California producers alongside Napa masterpieces. Enjoy an older vintage Bordeaux or a glass of Barbera with the upscale American cuisine tailored for a Miami palate. Champagne and Cubano Fritters, anyone?

Wine team

  • CC
    Chris Covolo
    Head Sommelier

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