Castello di Neive

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  • Coltivazione: Convenzionale, Lieviti: Selezionati, Giacosa Bruno (Neive, Cuneo, Piemonte), Castello di Neive (Neive, Cuneo, Piemonte), Barbaresco Riserva Asili, Dmgm. 2011 € 2ʼ160
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Le Petit Bellevue restaurant/wine bar, located in Cogne, Italy
  • BARBARESCO, COMUNE DI NEIVE, Castello di Neive, Barbaresco Albesani Santo Stefano, 2019, € 100
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of La Piola restaurant/wine bar, located in Alba, Italy
  • Neive, Albesani, 1731 Castello di Neive 'Santo Stefano', 2007, 250
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Acquerello restaurant/wine bar, located in San Francisco, USA
  • Neive, Albesani, 1072 Castello di Neive, Riserva 'Santo Stefano', Magnum, 2003, 495
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Acquerello restaurant/wine bar, located in San Francisco, USA
  • Rocca Bruno (Barbaresco, Cuneo, Piemonte), Castello di Neive (Neive, Cuneo, Piemonte), Barbaresco Riserva “Currà”, 2012 € 216
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Le Petit Bellevue restaurant/wine bar, located in Cogne, Italy
  • Rocca Bruno (Barbaresco, Cuneo, Piemonte), Castello di Neive (Neive, Cuneo, Piemonte), Barbaresco Gallina, 2020 € 85
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Le Petit Bellevue restaurant/wine bar, located in Cogne, Italy
  • RED, ITALY, NEIVE, 2019, Barbaresco ‘Gallina’, Castello di Neive, 165
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in UK. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Kerridge’s Bar & Grill restaurant/wine bar, located in London, UK
  • RED, ITALY, NEIVE, 2016, Barbaresco ‘Santo Stefano Riserva’, Castello di Neive, 200
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in UK. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Kerridge’s Bar & Grill restaurant/wine bar, located in London, UK
  • Castello di Neive, Neive 2009 Barbaresco Albesani, 109
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Germany. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of GRAPES Weinbar restaurant/wine bar, located in Munich, Germany
  • Castello di Neive, Barbaresco Santo Stefano, Neive bin 3102, t 2011, $180
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Eli's Table restaurant/wine bar, located in New York City, USA
  • Castello di Neive, Barbaresco Santo Stefano, Neive bin 3102, t 2011, $180
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Eli's Table restaurant/wine bar, located in New York City, USA
  • Castello di Neive, Neive, 2009 Barbaresco Albesani, 109
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Germany. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of GRAPES Weinbar restaurant/wine bar, located in Munich, Germany
  • Barbaresco "Santo Stefano", Castello di Neive, 2016, 245
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in UK. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Berners Tavern restaurant/wine bar, located in London, UK
  • Barbaresco "Gallina", Castello di Neive, 2019, 165
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in UK. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Berners Tavern restaurant/wine bar, located in London, UK
  • Barbaresco, Castello di Neive, 2019, 125
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in UK. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Berners Tavern restaurant/wine bar, located in London, UK
  • 896, Castello di Neive, Santo Stefano, 2019, 130
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of David Burke Prime Steakhouse restaurant/wine bar, located in Ledyard, USA
  • Piemonte, Barbaresco, 564 Castello di Neive, Riserva Albesani 'Santo Stefano', Magnum, 2003, 495
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Acquerello restaurant/wine bar, located in San Francisco, USA
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Pellico 3 restaurant/wine bar, located in Milan, Italy
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Pellico 3 restaurant/wine bar, located in Milan, Italy
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Pellico 3 restaurant/wine bar, located in Milan, Italy
  • Castello di Neive, Santo Stefano, 1987, 750
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Fiola restaurant/wine bar, located in Washington DC, USA
  • Castello di Neive, Santo Stefano, 1985, 800
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Fiola restaurant/wine bar, located in Washington DC, USA
  • Castello di Neive, Barbaresco, Piedmont 2019, 105
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Bacchus, A Bartolotta Restaurant restaurant/wine bar, located in Milwaukee, USA
  • 37632, Castello di Neive, Santo Stefano, Riserva, 2017, 245
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Fiola Mare restaurant/wine bar, located in Washington DC, USA
  • 34283 Castello di Neive, Santo Stefano, Nebbiolo, Barbaresco, Riserva, 2016, 240
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Fiola Mare restaurant/wine bar, located in Washington DC, USA
  • 30991, Castello di Neive, Santo Stefano, 2019, 165
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Fiola Mare restaurant/wine bar, located in Washington DC, USA
  • 34283, Castello di Neive, Santo Stefano, Riserva, 2016, 240
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Fiola Mare restaurant/wine bar, located in Washington DC, USA
  • Castello di Neive, "Santo Stefano", 2019Bin 1121191
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of RPM Italian Chicago restaurant/wine bar, located in Chicago, USA
  • Barbera d'Alba, Castello di Neive, "Santo Stefano", 2022Bin 324672
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Tre Dita restaurant/wine bar, located in Chicago, USA
  • Langhe Arneis, Castello di Neive, "Montebertotto", 2022Bin 121272
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Tre Dita restaurant/wine bar, located in Chicago, USA
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