Tin Lung Heen


Hong Kong SAR, Greater China

Tin Lung Heen Wine List

About Tin Lung Heen

The highest Cantonese restaurant in town, Tin Lung Heen is located on the 102nd floor of International Commerce Centre and is managed by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Besides the spectacular Victoria Harbor view, this 2-star Michelin restaurant is famous for its fine dining food and a meticulous wine list.

About the Tin Lung Heen Wine List

The wine list consists of around 1,100 labels and will certainly give you plenty of choices to enjoy along your lovely meal.


Corkage: HK$700 (750ml)

Tin Lung Heen awards

  • 2 Michelin Stars 2 Michelin Stars

Wine team

  • Benson Yan
    Head Sommelier

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