Good Funk

Wine Bar

Chicago, USA

Good Funk Wine List

About Good Funk

Sailing in on the current of the natural wine trend, Good Funk’s shiny downtown wine bar is a fun stop before/after dinner, or a perfect escape from your downtown hotel if you’re into the “funky” stuff, or curious about this whole “Natural Wine” thing.

I have to begin with a disclaimer: on the best days I’m a natural-wine skeptic, on my moodier days, I’m practically an antagonist. That said, I was successfully charmed by the clever snacks and interesting wine list that is indeed really hipster, but is thoughtfully curated in such a manner that it welcomes wine nerds of all persuasions - from the funk-obsessed to the, well, me. The staff is also well-versed in navigating these conversations and can lead you with panache all over the spectrum of cool/weird. I’ll admit I visited with low expectations, but had a really delightful time despite my genre-skepticism.

If you are one of those people delighted by the wild and weird or excited to try something new, Good Funk “does what it says on the box” with great success, in a gleaming, stylish setting.

One thing to note: they should be commended for leaning into the world of Natural Wine with such passion and verve. That said, one doesn’t go to an Italian restaurant in the hopes of great German wine. Their best work is in the food and drinks they stand for, so visit with the intention of getting a little funky.

Great for

  • Natural wines

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