Cl. de la Chapelle

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  • V I G N O B L E S S I LV I O D E N Z, C H ÂT E A U L A FA U R I E, P E Y R A G U E Y, 75 cl, 37.5 cl, Sauternes La Chapelle de Lafaurie-Peyraguey, 2015 93 JS, 55
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in UK. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of The Glenturret Lalique Restaurant restaurant/wine bar, located in Crieff, UK
  • C H ÂT E AU L A FAU R I E, P E Y R AG U E Y, G L E N T U R R E T E D I T I O N, 37.5 cl, Sauternes, La Chapelle de Lafaurie-Peyraguey, 2019, 64
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in UK. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of The Glenturret Lalique Restaurant restaurant/wine bar, located in Crieff, UK
  • Château de Fesles, 2015 La Chapelle, Bonnezeau 50 cl GLAS, 1150
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Sweden. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Chez Jolie restaurant/wine bar, located in Stockholm, Sweden
  • 2018, Chassagne-Montrachet 1:er Cru Morgeot Monopole, Clos de la Chapelle (Magnum 150 cl) 712, 4 000
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Sweden. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of The Winery Hotel restaurant/wine bar, located in Stockholm, Sweden
  • Saumur, Les Tris de la Chapelle, Fosse séche, 2008, 75 cl, 90, 00 €
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in France. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Cafe Lavinal restaurant/wine bar, located in Pauillac, France
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