La Prevostura

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  • Euro la bott, ALTO PIEMONTE, LESSONA, 2015, LA PREVOSTURA, 42, 00
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Al Gatto Nero restaurant/wine bar, located in Turin, Italy
  • Piedmont, La Prevostura Lessona ‘19 nebbiolo, 114
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Borgo restaurant/wine bar, located in New York City, USA
  • 2949, La Prevostura Lessona, 2019, 125
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Portale Restaurant restaurant/wine bar, located in New York City, USA
  • 2013 Lessona, La Prevostura D.O.C, 72
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in USA. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Terroni restaurant/wine bar, located in Los Angeles, USA
  • Muntacc 2012 La Prevostura, 39, 00 €
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of La Bottega di Parigi restaurant/wine bar, located in Florence, Italy
  • Nebbiolo Coste della Sesia ‘Muntacc’, La Prevostura, Piemonte, 2020, 155
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Canada. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Osteria Giulia restaurant/wine bar, located in Toronto, Canada
  • Muntacc nebbiolo, vespolina, La Prevostura, 2019, €, 32.00
    This is a hit in the wine list of a restaurant/wine bar in Italy. Subscribe or Log in to view location and wine list.
    This is a hit in the wine list of Trattoria Al Pompiere restaurant/wine bar, located in Verona, Italy
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