Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris

12-14 February next year it is time for the fifth edition of Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris. Save the dates and read more about the upcoming event.

The 4th Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris gathered 36,334 visitors and 3,387 exhibitors from 149 countries.

12-14 February 2024, it is time for the next event at Port de Versailles in Paris – three days of tastings, business meetings and education.

12 February 2024, 9am - 7pm
13 February 2024, 9am - 7pm
14 February 2024, 9am - 5pm

Paris Expo Porte de Versailles

Read more about Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris here.

Publicerad 08-november-2023
Event / Paris

måndag 12 februari - onsdag 14 februari

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