Wine Mechanics won Original Wine List 2019
Gothenburg urban winery Wine Mechanics took the gold in the category Original Wine List during the Star Wine List of the Year 2019. The category highlighted creativity in both content and form.
In total, there were eight categories in the 2019 awards. The jury in 2019 included Arvid Rosengren, Best sommelier of the World 2016, Pascaline Lepeltier, Master Sommelier and Best Sommelier of France 2018, Mischa Billing, educator and sommelier, and Star Wine List's founder Krister Bengtsson. The winner won a Gold star, the other finalists Silver stars.
The finalists were:
- Dryck Vinbar, Stockholm
- Spanjorskan, Stockholm
- Sydkustens at Pillehill, Skivarp
- Tyge & Sessil, Stockholm
- Wine Mechanics, Göteborg
Follow the link to check out the winning wine list.
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