Signorvino Torino


Turin, Italy

Signorvino Torino Wine List

About Signorvino Torino

The restaurant chain called Signorvino saved my first night in Torino when everything was closed and we couldn’t find anything decent, but then passed this place which has somehow a luxurious McDonald's vibe, but at the same time it’s true-to-type unpretentious and welcoming. Food is simple, sort of fresh fast food, just go for some ham and cheese and simple things.

The wines are elaborate; they have a huge store attached to the restaurant and you don’t pay corkage when you buy it there. The selection of wine is extensive, mostly decent though larger producers, but also a few bottles of more special stuff like Barolo from Rinaldi. It’s a safe bet to go to if you don’t want anything fancy, or if you forgot to make a reservation and no place will take you.

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  • Wine shop

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